Back to Basics Daycare

About us
Back to Basics Daycare is a Licensed Group Childcare Facility established in 2004. The center is located in a very friendly and family oriented neighborhood. It is a caring, unique, and warm environment which provides a stimulating and nurturing environment for the children. We are open Monday thru Friday from 7:30am – 6:00pm. The center offers a flexible schedule meeting the needs of the parents and the children. The center has four programs all in the same building.
“Baby Basics” is licensed for up to 12 children daily, from Newborn to 18 months.
“Basics Beginners” is licensed for up to 12 children daily from 19 to 36 months.
“Beyond Basics” is licensed for up to 18 children daily from of 36 months to school age.
“Above and Beyond” is licensed for up to 16 children daily from the ages of 36 months to school age.
Our Staff
All of our staff members within the various programs are experienced and qualified to work with children. They all participate in professional development/workshops in order to remain alert to the ever-changing needs of today’s families and the children’s development.
Baby Basics Staff
Lenka - Supervisor
Infant Toddler Educator
Lenka joins us with over 20 years’ experience in the childcare field. During her career she has worked as an educator in preschool, infant/toddler daycare programs. She loves curriculum development and particularly enjoys getting to know families.
Valeria - Early Childhood Educator
Valeria joined as a break relief first, but now she is one of teacher in baby program. Valeria enjoys spending time with children. She has two kids of her own,
Colleen - Infant Toddler Educator
Colleen has lots of experience working with all the age groups within the centre. She enjoys all the children, but her passion is with the babies. When you walk in infant program, you will see her art ideas everywhere.
Shanaz - Infant Toddler Educator / break relief
Shanaz Has over 10 years experience working in the ECE field. Before that she brings 15 years of office experience, after that became a nany & found her true calling as an Early Childhood Educator.
Kathrina- Early ChildhoodEducator
Break Relief
Children have the best time when Kathrina walks into their program. They love to paly with her. She is going to be an Infant/Toddler Educator soon as she is doing her practicum now.
Laleh (Lara) - Supervisor
Early Childhood Educator
Laleh has been with us for 8 years in the Infant program. She has taught so many children and helped them develop & grow for the toddler program. She has now moved up as the supervisor of the toddler room.
Ramona - Infant Toddler Educator
Ramona has just joined the team. Children are comfortable around her. She has so many new, fresh ideas for us.
Amy - Infant Toddler Educator
Amy moved to Canada 4 years ago, since then she has graduated from MTI college. As a new teacher to the toddler program, she is keen to bring new ideas to the room.
Infant Toddler Educator, SN / Manager & Operator of Facility
Sherry has been in the ECE field for over 18 years. Her background is Computer Engineering. She Started teaching children computer which they inspired her to go into the child care profession. Sherry has an extensive experience in childcare sector. She has been manging and operating the centre since Nov. 2015.
Sherry also is a casual instructor in Sprott Shaw College in New Winsminster branch.
Basic Beginners Staff
Beyond Basics Staff
Mildred - Supervisor
Early Childhood Educator
Mildred started working in Baby Basics program. As an educator she comes with new plans everyday, and children enjoy to be around her. Mildred has a son and he attends at this centre. She loves to work with preschool age.
Samera- Early Childhood Educator
Samera joined us last summer. She started off as a break relief staff. She loves children and being an educator is her passion. Samera has a daughter who will go to kindergarten soon.
Above & beyond staff
Jenny - Supervisor
Early Childhood Educator
Jenny has been working in the field for over 10 years. She has worked with children of all ages but her passion is with 3-5's. She also has two grown up children of her own.
Behi- Act as an Early Childhood Educator
Behi has joined the team at Back to Basics 2 years ago. She has passed some ECE coueses and she attends school in the evening class, so she soon will be bringing us some new ideas she has learned.